
a rainbow appears to be circular because a)earth is circular b)sun is circular c)raindrops are circular d)none of these ANS- D) PLS EXPLAIN WHAT IS THE REASON!!!!!

a rainbow appears to be circular because

a)earth is circular

b)sun is circular

c)raindrops are circular

d)none of these




1 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
13 years ago

Dear Shivam Bhagat,

The rainbow is formed by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays as they fall on drops of rain which act as prism to produce the different colours.
The position of the sun,the rain drops and the observer count in producing the rainbow.The angle which the rain drop makes at the observer's eye is particularly important.
According to simple geometrical principles,the rain drops which lie at this angle and in a direction opposite to the sun, lie in the form of a full circle or part of it(arc).Even if there are enough raindrops to form a full circle,it will look like an arc as it is limited by the horizon.
If the observer is on a high mountain and the sun is near the horizon,he will be able to see the whole circle of rainbow.
So,rainbows are arc shaped due to a simple geometrical principle as explained above.


I think the answer is C) ..

Please cross check it !

Hope this was of some help to you !!

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