
Ques) A block is kept ona asmooth inclined plane of angle of projection @ that moves with a constant acceleration so that block doesnot slide relative to the inclined plane. If the inclined plane stops , show that the normal contact force offered by the plane on the block changes by a factor of cos 2 @

Ques) A block is kept ona  asmooth inclined plane of angle of projection  @ that moves with a constant acceleration so that block doesnot slide relative to the inclined plane. If the inclined plane stops , show that the normal contact force offered by the plane on the block changes by a factor of cos 2  @


1 Answers

AskIITianExpert Srijan.iitd
8 Points
15 years ago

It should be angle of inclination instead of angle of projection ,i suppose!!!

Apply the pseudo force on the block and balance the forces acting on it using free body diagram .find out normal contact force.

again draw free body diagram of block when inclined plane stops the two results the answer should be cos2@.

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