
A body is acted upon by a constant force directed towards a fixed point. the magnitude of the force varies inversely as square of the distance from the fixed point.What is the nature of path (a)straight line (b)parabola (c)circle (d) hperbola

A body is acted upon by a constant force directed towards a fixed point. the magnitude of the force varies inversely as square of the distance from the fixed point.What is the nature of path
(a)straight line (b)parabola
(c)circle (d) hperbola


3 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


Consider the example of gravitational force, it is analogous to the force mentioned here which varies inversely as square of distance. Seeing the analogy u can predict the path. Hence , the path is parabolic.

nikhil varma
33 Points
13 years ago

it would be a parabola

NLM is applicable to particle and not to bodies.

for a block we apply it considering it to be a particle or at the center of mass of the body which is a particle

so consider your question to electrostatics coloumb inverse square law

F is inversely proportional to square of distance

so it would be a parabola if you got me explanation.

Ajay Kumar
34 Points
5 years ago
Earth is revolving around the sun due to gravitational force and gravitational force follow the inverse square law and patch of earth around the sun is elliptical That is answer is ellipse

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