
Which aqueous solution has a molarity of 1.0 M? 73 grams of HCl dissolved to make 2.0 liters of solution 360 grams of C 6 H 12 O 6 dissolved to make 1.5 liters of solution 94 grams of K 2 O dissolved to make 0.75 liters of solution 24 grams of LiOH dissolved to make 1.25 liters of solution 40 grams of HF dissolved to make 2.50 liters of solution

Which aqueous solution has a molarity of 1.0 M?
  1. 73 grams of HCl dissolved to make 2.0 liters of solution
  2. 360 grams of C6H12O6 dissolved to make 1.5 liters of solution
  3. 94 grams of K2O dissolved to make 0.75 liters of solution
  4. 24 grams of LiOH dissolved to make 1.25 liters of solution
  5. 40 grams of HF dissolved to make 2.50 liters of solution


1 Answers

Shivangi Khatter
askIITians Faculty 468 Points
5 years ago
dear student
the correct answer is 1
Molecular mass of HCl= 36.5
Molarity= 73/(36.5 * 2)= 1M

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