
Will the force between two current carrying wires carrying current in opposite direction change if a metal plate is introduced in between them? Please explain in details.

Will the force between two current carrying wires carrying current in opposite direction change if a metal plate is introduced in between them? 
Please explain in details.


1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
let's say that there are two wires, with their current moving towards us from a far place. The wire on the left generates an upward magnetic field at where the wire on the right is. Using Fleming's left hand rule, we find that the electromagnetic force acting on the wire on the right is directed towards left. Vice versa applies, and the wire on the left is pushed towards the right by another electromagnetic force. This makes it look like an attraction. When the currents move in opposite directions, the electromagnetic force causes them to repel each other in a similar way. You can work it out yourself.

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