
The value of l (azimuthal quantum no.) for n=5 Is 0,1,2,3and 4; so what would be the representation of sbshells?For l=0.... The subshell is s l=1.... The subshell is p l=2.... The subshell is d l=3.... The subshell is fAnd for l=4 and so on.... The subshell is????

The value of l (azimuthal quantum no.) for n=5 Is 0,1,2,3and 4; so what would be the representation of sbshells?For l=0.... The subshell is s l=1.... The subshell is p l=2.... The subshell is d l=3.... The subshell is fAnd for l=4 and so on.... The subshell is????


1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
Dear Student,
The subshell is g for l=4; it is much more complex
than the previous four subshells.
Vikas (B. Tech. 4th year
Thapar University)

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