
how are monomers and polymers combined ? means how do we can combine it ? do people use any kind of machine to combine them or they are combined naturally ? if they are combined naturally ho do we find and collect them ?

how are monomers and polymers combined ? means how do we can combine it ? do people use any kind of machine to combine them or they are combined naturally ? if they are combined naturally ho do we find and collect them ?


1 Answers

Yash Patari
askIITians Faculty 2123 Points
2 years ago
dear student,
Monomers are small molecules, mostly organic, that can join with other similar molecules to form very large molecules, or polymers. ... Polymers are chains with an unspecified number of monomeric units. a polymer. Homopolymers are polymers made by joining together monomers ofthe same chemical composition or structure.

polymerization, any process in which relatively small molecules, called monomers, combine chemically to produce a very large chainlike or network molecule, called a polymer.

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