Flag Inorganic Chemistry> what are the properties of phosphine char...
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what are the properties of phosphine
characteristics ,how it is formed and how toxic is 

jacob nkhata , 3 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Yash Patari

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

dear students,
Physical and chemical properties of phosphine:It is a colourless gas having a rotten fish smell.
It is highly poisonous gas.
PH3is sparingly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents.
PH3acts as a Lewis base by donating its lone pair of electrons when it reacts with hydrogen iodide.

How is phosphine formed?
Phosphine is formed bythe action of a strong base or hot water on white phosphorus or by the reaction of water with calcium phosphide (Ca3P2). Phosphine is structurally similar to ammonia (NH3), but phosphine is a much poorer solvent than ammonia and is much less soluble in water.

How is phosphine toxic?
Inhaling phosphine causesrespiratory irritation, compromises heart (cardiac) and circulatory functions, depresses the central nervous system, and produces severe gastrointestinal pain. EYE EXPOSURE: Phosphine gas produces no known adverse effects on the eyes.

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