
Frnds my question is why does the atomic radii in the transition elements increase towards the end of the series?? Pls i will approve the ans anyway help me aieee approaching n givin me the spine chills !!!

Frnds my question is why does the atomic radii in the transition elements increase towards the end of the series??
Pls i will approve the ans anyway help me aieee approaching n givin me the spine chills !!!


1 Answers

ruchi yadav
askIITians Faculty 27 Points
10 years ago

The atomic radii of representative elements decrease markedly as we read across a period of elements. In contrast, the atomic radii of transition metals decrease only slightly as we read across a series of these element.

The decrease in radii is consistent with an increase in effective nuclear charge as atomic number increases. All the first-row transition elements have 4s orbitals as the outermost occupied orbitals. The atomic radius will depend on the strength of the nuclear charge felt by the 4s electrons. The greater the charge, the smaller the atom. The effective nuclear charge experienced by the outermost electrons depends on the shielding provided by inner electrons.

Thank You
Askiitians Faculty

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