
Ionization enthalpy of of alkali Earth metals is greater than the element of 1 and 13th group.give reason ......... Please explain

Ionization enthalpy of of alkali Earth metals is greater than the element of 1 and 13th group.give reason ......... Please explain


1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
The alkaline earth metals owing to their large size of atoms have fairly low values of ionization energies as compared to the p – block elements. However with in the group, the ionization energy decreases as the atomic number increases. It is because of increase in atomic size due to addition of new shells and increase in the magnitude of screening effect of the electrons in inner shells. Because their (IE)1 is larger than that of their alkali metal neighbours, the group IIA metals trend to the some what less reactive than alkali metals. 

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