
If a charged conductor is not isolated and other conducting bodies are approaching towards it, then the a) capacitance of conductor will change as potential of conductor changes due to induction phenomenon b) capacitance of conductor remains constant as it is depending on shape and size of conductor c) capacitance of conductor will change due to redistribution of charge on approaching bodies d) None of the above

                  If a charged conductor is not isolated and other conducting bodies are approaching towards it, then the

a)      capacitance of conductor will change as potential of conductor changes due to induction phenomenon

b)      capacitance of conductor remains constant as it is depending on shape and size of conductor

c)      capacitance of conductor will change due to redistribution of charge on approaching bodies


d)      None of the above 


2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
the answer is taken conductor decreases due to induction phenomena.
Hope it helps
Thanks and regards
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
This positive charge, being closer to the charged body, attracts electrons of the charged body, so that their density on the internal side increases, while their density on the external side decreases.

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