
Sir, I am presently studying in Eleventh. Will I be able to get high rank in IIT JEE andAIEEE (2012)by borrowing the study material of an IIT JEE Coaching centre , from someone( Not joining there ) and simultaneously practicing the problems from : M L Khanna & J N Sharma - IIT Mathematics, P.Bahadur - Numerical Chemistry, H C Verma - Concepts of Physics.

Sir, I am presently studying in Eleventh. Will I be able to get high rank in IIT JEE andAIEEE (2012)by borrowing the study material of an IIT JEE Coaching centre , from someone( Not joining there ) and simultaneously practicing the problems from : M L Khanna & J N Sharma - IIT Mathematics, P.Bahadur - Numerical Chemistry, H C Verma - Concepts of Physics.



1 Answers

Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
357 Points
14 years ago

Dear Manu,

Yea .. the books that you have mentioned are good enuf .. the first thing is clear your concepts through these books .. and then start any other study material .. Join some good coaching centre that will be more help.. and you will get proper guidelines there .. 


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