
Water rises up to a height of 4 cm, in a capillary tube immersed vertically in water. What will be the length of water column in the capillary tube, if the tube is immersed in water, at an angle of 60° with the vertical? (a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 2 cm

Water rises up to a height of 4 cm, in a capillary tube immersed vertically in water. What will be the length of water column in the capillary tube, if the tube is immersed in water, at an angle of 60° with the vertical?
(a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm
(c) 8 cm (d) 2 cm


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Dear student

The answer is option c


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