
An athlete completes one of the circular track of radius R in 20 seconds what will be his displacement at the end of 2 minutes 20 second

An athlete completes one of the circular track of radius R in 20 seconds what will be his displacement at the end of 2 minutes 20 second


2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
An athlete takes 20 seconds to complete circular track
So after every 20 second it will be at same position of starting point.It's displacement will be zero
So at the end of 2min 20 sec (140 sec) athele would have completed 7 rounds and it's displacement is zero
3007 Points
4 years ago

Radius is r. Circumference is = 2 pi r.

Time is 40 s.

Every 40 seconds he comes back to original position l. So in 140 s he would cover 3 and half circles. Hence

Total distance is 2r pi x 3.5 = 7r pi.

Total displacement will be = 2r since ball will be directly across the diameter .

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