
Three particle starts from the origin simultaneously.The firstt particle move with velocity v 1 along positive x-axis. The second particle moves along positiveve y-axis with velocity v 2 , third particle move along the line such that y=x. What is the velocity of third particle such that all these particle lies on the same line .

Three particle starts from the origin simultaneously.The firstt particle move with velocity v1 along positive x-axis. The second particle moves along positiveve y-axis with velocity v2, third particle move along the line such that  y=x. What is the velocity of third particle such that all these particle lies on the same line.


2 Answers

Sukrit Shukla
31 Points
11 years ago

Its velocity will be resultant velocity of v1 & v2.

      Let velocity of third particle be v.

             v = sq. root (v12 + v22 + cos 90)                       [angle b/w +X & +Y is 90]

            v   = sq. root (v12 + v22 )               Ans.

harshal devikar
18 Points
11 years ago

make a graph ofx,y axis and a line passing through both axis .Then locate the pts on y, x and middle of line by using using distace formula then equate the slopes of lines you will get V3 answer will be V3= V1V2root 2divded by V1+V2

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