
A particle is projected from ground at an angle 60 with horizontal with speed 10v3 from a point A. At the same time a sufficiently long wedge is made to move with constant velocity 10v3 m/s towards same direction as projectile. Find time in which projectile hits wedge? (g=10)

A particle is projected from ground at an angle 60 with horizontal with speed 10v3 from a point A. At the same time a sufficiently long wedge is made to move with constant velocity 10v3 m/s towards same direction as projectile. Find time in which projectile hits wedge? (g=10)


2 Answers

ratnadeep pramanik
39 Points
12 years ago

do write the translational kinetic equations both in horizontal directions. then solve both the eqns.. 

now u can do it.

harshika rai
31 Points
12 years ago

is the answer 3 seconds or  2.925 seconds?

reply soon ...

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