
What is Electronics and communication all about ? please reply in a bit detail and future scope.

What is Electronics and communication all about ? please reply in a bit detail and future scope. 


2 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
9 years ago
This area involves the transmission of information across channels such as a coax cable, optical fiber or free space. You can work on designing equipment such as routers, switches, multiplexers and electronic switching systems, copper telephone facilities and fiber optics. It develops everyday devices such as transistors, integrated circuits and printed circuit boards (PCBs) which can be used in computers, MP3 players, cell phones, television to name a few. The discipline deals with electronic devices and software interfaces. The applications are far reaching, right from the indoors of the house to industries. The tasks of the Electronics and Communication engineers are to direct, control and test produce processes a well as to ensure safety, installation and functioning of the various mechanisms. The discipline integrates knowledge based on digital electronics and logic design, fundamentals of communication engineering, electronic circuits, signals and systems, power electronics, applied electromagnetic theory, integrated circuits, VLSI, control systems and computer architecture
Rinkoo Gupta
askIITians Faculty 81 Points
9 years ago
It is the most preferred enginnering branch .after b.tec. you can do work in different areas like core electronics, communication industry , microprocessor manufacturing can find jobs easily both in govt. sector and private sector.
Thanks & Regards
Rinkoo Gupta
AskIITians Faculty

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