
The coordinates of the point at which the line 3x+4y=7 lie on standard form of hyperbola

The coordinates of the point at which the line 3x+4y=7 lie on standard form of hyperbola


2 Answers

Deepak Kumar Shringi
askIITians Faculty 4404 Points
6 years ago
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Piyush Maheshwari
44 Points
6 years ago
The question is incomplete. But you can do this: Insert the equation of line into the equation of the hyperbola. Use y=(7-3x)/4 from the equation of the line. Replace this value of y with all the ‘y’s appearing in the eqn of hyperbola. This will give you a quadratic in x. Solve it to get the values of x. Then find the values of y corresponding to these x using y=(7-3x)/4.
These will give you the intersection pts.

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