
four equal or uniform or idetical bricks are placed one over the other with some displacement.The uppermost brick and the lowermost brick is seperated by a distance “x” to support the tumbles.Then find “x”?2. one uniform rod length’’l” & mass”m” is bent at it’s mid point at an angle of “x”.then find the centre of mass of th rod from the o rign?

  1.  four equal or uniform or idetical bricks are placed one over the other with some displacement.The uppermost brick and the lowermost brick is seperated by a distance “x” to support the tumbles.Then find “x”? uniform rod length’’l” & mass”m” is bent at it’s mid point at an angle of “x”.then find the centre of mass of th rod from the orign?


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Dear student

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