
Ethelene can be separated from acetylene by passing the mixture through : (A) fuming H2 SO4 (B) pyrogallol (C) ammoniacal Cu2 Cl2 (D) Charcoal powder

Ethelene can be separated from acetylene by passing the mixture through :
(A) fuming H2
SO4 (B) pyrogallol (C) ammoniacal Cu2
Cl2 (D) Charcoal powder


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1241 Points
9 years ago
Acetylene reacts with ammonical solution of copper(I)chloride (Cu2Cl2or CuCl) to form red precipitate of copper(I) acetylide

C2H2 + 2CuCl + 2NH4OH → Cu2C2+ 2NH4Cl + H2O

copper(I) acetylide is reacted with HCl to get back acetylene

Cu2C2+ 2HCl → C2H2+ 2CuCl

Ethylene does not react

Thus, ethylene can be separated from acetylene by passing the mixture through ammoonical copper(I)chloride

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