
A simple pendulum of length l and mass (bob) m is suspended vertically. The string makes an angle q with the vertical. The restoring force acting on the pendulum?

A simple pendulum of length l and mass (bob) m is suspended vertically. The string makes an angle q with the vertical. The restoring force acting on the pendulum?


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
3 years ago
The situation of a pendulum of length 'l' and mass 'm' given in fig when string makes an angle 'θ' with verticle.
It is clear from fig the component mgcosθbalances the tension of string at the position and the component mgsinθacting towards its mean position. So it will act as restoring force.
Vikas TU
14149 Points
3 years ago
When pendulum is suspended by a string of length L  and makes and angle
q with the vertical then at certain angle
we can resolve the component of weight Mg in to
 MgCosq and Mgsinq
MgCosq  will be along the string while the MgSinq component will provide the restoring force.

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