
The IUPAC name of citric acid is (A) 1, 2, 3 tricarboxy-2-propanol (B) 3-Carboxy-3-hydroxy-1, 5-penranedioic acid (C) 3-Hidroxy-3-carboxy-1, 5-penranedioic acid (D) 3-Hydroxy- 1, 2, 3-tricarboxypropane

The IUPAC name of citric acid is
    (A)    1, 2, 3 tricarboxy-2-propanol
    (B)    3-Carboxy-3-hydroxy-1, 5-penranedioic acid
    (C)    3-Hidroxy-3-carboxy-1, 5-penranedioic acid
    (D)    3-Hydroxy- 1, 2, 3-tricarboxypropane

Grade:upto college level

2 Answers

Radhika Batra
247 Points
10 years ago


hanuman balagoni
34 Points
10 years ago

the correct answer is A

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