
a capacitor of an oscillating circuit is enclosed in a container. when the container is evacuated the frequency is 10 khz. when the container is filled with a gas the frequency changes by 50 hz. the dielectric constant of gas is. e mail_:- Please can you provide detail step wise solution

a capacitor of an oscillating circuit is enclosed in a container. when the container is evacuated the frequency is 10 khz. when the container is filled with a gas the frequency changes by 50 hz. the dielectric constant of gas is. e mail_:-


Please can you provide detail step wise solution


1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
11 years ago

let C be capacitance. frequency is inversely proportional to square root of capacitance. Dielectric constant is greater than one. So frequency reduces. Let dielectric constant be k



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