
what is end on or broad side on position?

what is end on or broad side on position?


4 Answers

AskIITian Expert Priyasheel - IITD
8 Points
15 years ago

In what context ?

It is important to meintion that.

askIITianexpert IITDelhi
8 Points
15 years ago

If i presume correctly you are asking about electric dipoles.

End on position are points on the extended dipole axis(line connecting +q & -q extended to both sides)

Broad side on position are points on the perpendicular bisector line of dipole axis.

shashank mudgal
33 Points
14 years ago

hi Pallavi,

1)end on position is the position of the test charge on the axial line of the dipole(i.e it is on the line joining -ve charge & +ve) charge of a dipole)

2)broad side on position is the position of test charge on equatorial line of the dipole(i.e it is on the line perpendicular to the axial line and passing through the center )

Munish Gupta
36 Points
7 years ago
Here... End on position means position on the line joining the +q and -q charge of dipole while broad side on position means position on the line of perpendicular of the dipole..Hope this helps

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