
Why are there no standard potentials more negative than – 3V, and more positive than about +2V, in aqueous solution?

Why are there no standard potentials more negative than

3V, and

more positive than about +2V, in aqueous solution?


2 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago

The values of standard electrode potentials are given at

  • A temperature of 298.15 K (25 °C);
  • Aneffective concentrationof 1mol/L for each aqueous species or a species in a mercuryamalgam;
  • Apartial pressureof 101.325kPa(absolute) (1atm, 1.01325bar) for each gaseous reagent. This pressure is used because most literature data are still given for this value rather than for the current standard of 100 kPa.
since, this potencials are normalised, so only 3v and +2v are possible.

sher mohammad
askiitians faculty, iit delhi
Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago

he values of standard electrode potentials are given at

  • A temperature of 298.15 K (25 °C);
  • Aneffective concentrationof 1mol/L for each aqueous species or a species in a mercuryamalgam;
  • Apartial pressureof 101.325kPa(absolute) (1atm, 1.01325bar) for each gaseous reagent. This pressure is used because most literature data are still given for this value rather than for the current standard of 100 kPa.
since, this potencials are normalised, so only 3v and +2v are possible.

sher mohammad
askiitians faculty, iit delh

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