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Dear sir,

can you please tell a bit about the preparatory course in IIT and the marks required to get into iit. Also i want to know that what would be the estimated cutoff for this year.

                                                                                              thanking you,

                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                              Sandip das.

sandip das , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
askiitianexpert charu-iitd

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Sandip,


Preparatory courses are only for Sc/ST candidates. A list is published after the declaration of the results. The criterion is generally that those who attain an aggregate cut off but fail to achieve a cut off in one of the three sections are offered 1 year preparatory course @ IITs and then after an year of studies, if they are able to score the cut off marks they are offered courses that they can get .

To know the cut offs, go through the following link:




Fee free to ask any other doubts and queries.



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