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sir...i have subscribed the MTG magazines...in which their full length practice papers for IITJEE ...and i have some other AITS papers.....now after completing my total portion...can these papers be helpful to me......????sir ...how to increase the confidence????

vineet vijay kulkarni , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Vineet kulkarni

MTG magazines and AITS papers are good for prepration.But with this you can't check your prepration level as compair to other

I will suggest you to join any test series.wher you can compair with others.and also you will know the possible changing pattern of IIT JEE as well as you will learn how to use your 3 hours in attempting the different portion of the paper.

once you start scoring good score your confidence level will increse.

Just stay calm and focus on understanding rather than mugging. Be regular in class and stay with concepts.

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