
tell me the sequence which i should refer to.... dtu production n industrial engineering dtu mathematics n computing dtu automotive engineering nsit ice engineering nsit mpae engineering iit roorkee archetecture ism dhanbad minig machinery nit eee branch ip usit cse branch plz tell me as soon as possible..........

tell me the sequence which i should refer to....

dtu production n industrial engineering

dtu mathematics n computing

dtu automotive engineering

nsit ice engineering

nsit mpae engineering

iit roorkee archetecture

ism dhanbad minig machinery

nit eee branch

ip usit cse branch

plz tell me as soon as possible..........


1 Answers

Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
7 years ago
dtu mathematics n computing
ip usit cse branch
dtu automotive engineering
iit roorkee archetecture
ism dhanbad minig machinery
nit eee branch

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