
Plz plz plz help urgently by tomorrow morning 8:00 a.m do we have to pay the fees at PEC at third counselling on the spot?? if DD then addresses to whom ,payable where , what amount , hostel fee too?? and is it true that the final counselling fee is not refundable if admn is withdrawn later?????????

Plz plz plz help urgently by tomorrow morning 8:00 a.m do we have to pay the fees at PEC at third counselling on the spot?? if DD then addresses to whom ,payable where , what amount , hostel fee too?? and is it true that the final counselling fee is not refundable if admn is withdrawn later?????????


1 Answers

AskIITians Expert Sunil,DCE
8 Points
14 years ago

I apologise for being late due to some technical problem in reply section. 
I hope nw u have secured  the admissions in PEC.
Again extremely sorry for the inconvenience faced by you.
Please feel free to post your doubts on our disucssion forum. We will be happy to help u.

Wish u good luck for PEC


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