
Hello Sir, I have got 20,323 rank in AIEEE and 3347 rank in Andhra Pradesh state. Total marks is 171 for B.Tech. Sir would you please suggest me a good college for IIT and also NIT. I would like to know about a better place near to Andhra Pradesh. I would be greatful to you for your valuable suggestion.Thank you.

Hello Sir,

I have got 20,323 rank in AIEEE and 3347 rank in Andhra Pradesh state. Total marks is 171 for B.Tech. Sir would you please suggest me a good college for IIT and also NIT. I would like to know about a better place near to Andhra Pradesh.

I would be greatful to you for your valuable suggestion.Thank you.


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear swati

You have not maintioned your IIT JEE rank so its difficult for me to suggest you IITs,

and for AIEEE with this rank you will net get good branch in good you should try in other NIts .you can try in new NIts i hope you will get better option. Try for NIt delhi ,NIt delhi initially will be under NIT warangal.

check he link for more detail

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