
I am a class 11 th student [passed 10 th in 2014].I have a lot of doubts about books for school and for JEE[main and advanced].I currenlty bought RD Sharma math 11,Pradeep physics and chem for 11 and HC Verma concepts of physics. Will I need more books specifically for entrance mow or in coming years?There are lot of suggestions about good entrance books all around ,all varying,so which are the best and cheap books[considering that I am not very rich and cannot afford lot of costly books].Please suggest me good books on entrance [if You belive I need more books].Also kindly tell me how to prepare myself for JEE[Main and Advanced]time mangement etc.

I am a class 11th student [passed 10th in 2014].I have a lot of doubts about books for school and for JEE[main and advanced].I currenlty bought RD Sharma math 11,Pradeep physics and chem for 11 and HC Verma concepts of physics. Will I need more books specifically for entrance mow or in coming years?There are lot of suggestions about good entrance books all around ,all varying,so which are the best and cheap books[considering that I am not very rich and cannot afford lot of costly books].Please suggest me good books on entrance [if You belive I need more books].Also kindly tell me how to prepare myself for JEE[Main and Advanced]time mangement etc.


1 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
For physics follow hc verma and for maths and chemistry follow your study material and class notes.
sher mohammad
faculty askiitans iit delhi

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