
I have 4584 AIR from Punajb. Please suggest me from follwing. I belong to Punjab EE in DTU Delhi ECE in PEC Chd EEE in NIT Trichy Give all the plus minus why i should choose the institute thanking you in anticipation yours anshuman jindal

I have 4584 AIR from Punajb. Please suggest me from follwing. I belong to Punjab

EE in DTU Delhi

ECE in PEC Chd

EEE in NIT Trichy

Give all the plus minus why i should choose the institute

thanking you in anticipation


anshuman jindal

Grade:12th Pass

3 Answers

Aman Bansal
592 Points
13 years ago

Daer Vinod,

EE at DTU is the best option.

Best Of luck

Plz Approve the answer...!!!!

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Aman Bansal

Askiitian Expert

Tushar Makkar
37 Points
13 years ago

 indtu is best option available to u ... bcz a college is determined by 2 factors : 1st is it's location and 2nd is it's academics

except some iit's , nit's and iiit's all the colleges have same academics... and by far acc. to location delhi is the best . so i would suggest u as;

ee in dtu 

then eee in nit trichy and then ece in pec  


plz approve the ans.

Mir Noaman Ali IIT-Roorkee
57 Points
13 years ago

Dear Vinod,

EEE in NIT Trichy,it is a highly reputed college and EEE has very handsome placements, if not then DTU will be a good choice as well

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