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sir,wt is software engineering ? hw it is different from computer engineering ?should i apply for it in DCE ?i already hv taken adm in ECE at PEC.OR should i apply for electrical& electronics eng at DCE

vinnu bhardwaj , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Computer engg. and software engg are quite differnt. Software engg is just a small part of computer science engg. U should not drop ur choice of ECE at PEc. ECE iis the best branch at present. Moreover PEC and DCE also share similar repos and placement records.

Software engineering is also not a highly paid department as comp sci or ece. Also , almost every department students get recruited in software industries, so there is no point introducing software engineering. ECE has gt great prospects ahead and would be the best for u.

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