
which one is a better branch - IT or Production engg.?

which one is a better branch - IT or Production engg.?


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


Ofcourse IT is a better option these days as compared to Production. Althugh IT sector is hit by recession but it is soon to recover from this. The IT industry has great scope for people as it provides employment to technical and non-technical graduates and has the capability to generate huge foreign exchange inflow for India. India exports softwares and services to approximately 95 countries in the world. By outsourcing to India, many countries get benefits in terms of labour costs and business processes. Also, the Indian companies are broadening the range of services being provided to the customers, which is resulting in more off shoring. Talent acquisition, development and retention initiatives taken by the companies have brought down the employee attrition rates, thereby providing more stability to the employees and increasing their job commitment.

IT will continue to gain momentum; telecom and wireless will follow the trend. The immense expansion in networking technologies is expected to continue into the next decade also. IT will bring about a drastic improvement in the quality of life as it impacts application domains and global competitiveness. Technologies that are emerging are Data Warehousing and Data Mining. They involve collecting data to find patterns and testing hypothesis in normal research. Software services that are being used in outsourcing will go a long way.

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