
my rank in jee is 2603 which colege branch should i prefer

my rank in jee is 2603 which colege branch should i prefer

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Ramesh V
70 Points
14 years ago

First go for B.Tech course in top IITs like mumbai, delhi, kanpur, kharagpur,chennai, GUWAHATI, Roorkee ,

You may get Electrical in guwahati/roorkee.

or else civil /chemical at khargpur etc

I ask u not to take biotech/aerospace etc ..

tae CSE/EEE/Mech /chemical in any of IITs in 4 yr course or else go for 5 yr course too in top 4 IITs if u can get in any of thse branches

all the best




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