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I have got a rank of 1069 where should i goB.tech C.S roorkeeDual DEgree C.S roorkeeDual Electrical Kharagpurb.tech aerospace bombayb.tech civil delhib.tech mechanical kharagpur

Ankit Parashar , 13 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 3 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Ankit,

The selection of choice depends on your interest.

but in my opinion B.tech CS at ROORKEE or Mechanical at Kharagpur are the best option available to you.


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Rathod Shankar AskiitiansExpert-IITB

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Ankit


B.tech C.S roorkee  - yes this is good option because CS has more demand than any other branch but i dont think u will get it

Dual DEgree C.S roorkee - 

yes this is also a good option because CS has more demand and with additiona Mtech degree

Dual Electrical Kharagpur - electrical bombay and kanpur also good and madras delhi

b.tech aerospace bombay- kanpur is better than bombay .second place is bombay first kanpur for aeropsace

b.tech civil delhi - good option u may take in  bombay also

b.tech mechanical kharagpur- bombay kanpur kharagpur madras and delhi are good


Thank you

R Shankar Singh

IIT Bombay

Ashwin Sinha

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Ankit,

 U must join B. Tech Aerospace in IIT Bombay!!!!!!!!!


      Good Luck!!!!!!


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