
Hi.. i have an opportunity for getting the branch pulp and paper in IIT Roorkee. Is it having a good scope. Or i should go through AIEEE Nits for named branches.

i have an opportunity for getting the branch pulp and paper in IIT Roorkee. Is it having a good scope. Or i should go through AIEEE Nits for named branches.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


If you are able to get some named branches in top NITs like Trichy, warangal and Surathkal, then it would be much preferrable than going to paper and pulp in IIT Roorkee. Paper and Pulp has  got a limited scope and also , these top NITs are comparable to IIT Roorkee.

So, opting for computer science or any other hyped branch in NITs is a much better option than going for a paper and pulp.

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