
Which is the most effecting factor for transpiration.?atmospheric humidity or light?

Which is the most effecting factor for transpiration.?atmospheric humidity or light?


2 Answers

Yash kohli
13 Points
5 years ago
Light is the environmental factor which wfdect transpiration. Moreover plants transpire more in light than dark. Light triggers the stomatal openings for convenient transpiration. Also light in the atmosphere evaporates the water in the plant which resul5in rapid transpiration through stomatal openings.
Apurva Sharma
220 Points
5 years ago
the most effecting factor for transpiration is light, specifically LIGHT INTENSITY. it has controlling effect on the opening of stomata through which water escapes in gaseous state. thus transpiration rate is heigher in day than night.
whreas relative humidity affects transpiration by regulating stomatal movement. high relative humidity leads to closure of stomata and limit transpiration. also at high relative humidity plants water absorbing capacity reduces due to reduced transpiration.

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