
what is the ratio of protons that are transfer to the thylakoid lumen from stroma during the transport of a pair of electrons through cyclic and non cyclic transport?

what is the ratio of protons that are transfer to the thylakoid lumen from stroma during the transport of a pair of electrons through cyclic and non cyclic transport?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Dr.Adam Shaik
askIITians Faculty 387 Points
7 years ago
Hai, What ever is the type of electron transport ATP is Synthesized.
During synthesis transfer of protons occurs from lumen to stroma.
For synthesis of 1-ATP molecule, 3 protons movement through ATP synthase protein complex occurs.
Thusthe ratio is 3 protons=1 ATP:
whether it is cyclic or non cyclic irrespective of Photosystems involvement.

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