
What is the flower shape of rosemary?

What is the flower shape of rosemary?

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3 Answers

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
9 years ago
The rosemary is an evergreen shrubby herb that is usually 1.5 ~ 2.0 m long. The leaves are needle-shape and 2 ~ 4cm long. The rosemary flower is small and usually blue; there are also gold, silver, pink, and purple rosemary too.
Kalyani Jayachandran Menon
217 Points
9 years ago
Leaves 2-5 mm.long, linear, glossy, leathery, flowers whorls of 2-lipped, blue, tubular, at upper leaf axils...
2061 Points
9 years ago
The rosemary is an evergreen shrubby herb that is usually 1.5 ~ 2.0 m long. The leaves are needle-shape and 2 ~ 4cm long. The rosemary flower is small and usually blue; there are also gold, silver, pink, and purple rosemary too.

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