Flag Botany> State true or false-`Centriole = astrum, ...
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State true or false-`Centriole = astrum, spindle fibres = astral fibres.`

Parth Verma , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

False. Not all spindle fibres are astral fibres. Astral fibres are one kind of spindle fibres.Aster simply means star, i.e. a point from which something radiates.
Microtubules are of three types:
1)Kinetochore microtubules: those microtubules that attach to chromosomes.
2)Interpolar microtubules: those microtubules that bind to the microtubules of the opposite pole.
3)Astral microtubules: those microtubules that attach to neither chromosomes nor to each other, but they end abruptly in cortical cytoplasm. (It is believed that astral microtubules help the centrosomes to stay firmly at their position

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