
how is it possible for transpiration to occur through the cuticle yet it is a waxy layer covering the leaf

how is it possible for transpiration to occur through the cuticle yet it is a waxy layer covering the leaf


2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
The purpose of secreting cuticle layers is to prevent the loss of water from the surface cells. But the cuticle layers are not continuous, because mechanical stress, brittleness or injury may cause the cuticle to break open here and there as small fissures. It is through these openings, water is lost to atmosphere from the under lying epidermal cells. Still the total amount of water lost is not that significant, in terms of the total amount of water transpired by stomatal mechanism
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
Cuticle is not a smooth and continuous layer. There are minute pores and breaks present on the cuticle, through which diffusion of water takes place. As a result of injury or damage, breaks may take place in cuticle. Transpiration may also occur through those breaks.
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