
root has 4 regions -region of matuaration region of meristematic activity rootcap which all regions are different parts of root present.i meant in which all regions are pericycle ,endodermis,epidermis etc are present

root has 4 regions -region of matuaration region of meristematic activity rootcap which all regions are different parts of root present.i meant in which all regions are pericycle ,endodermis,epidermis etc are present


1 Answers

Absaar Shoaib
14 Points
5 years ago
The various tissue systems, i.e, Epidermal, Vascular and Ground (having Cortex, endodermis, pericycle) are present in all the above mentioned regions of root, except the region of meristematic activity. The region of meristematic activity gives rise to cortex, endodermis etc, which are left behind and the meristem moves onwards. So these are present everywhere in the root except the region of meristematic activity. I hope that clears it.

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