
In the emission line spectra of hydrogen atom how many lines can be accounted for by all possible electron transitions between five lowest energy levels within the atom.

In the emission line spectra of hydrogen atom how many lines can be accounted for by all possible electron transitions between five lowest energy levels within the atom.


1 Answers

104 Points
6 years ago
Possible spectral lines= (n2-n1)(n2-n1+1)/2 this is the possible numbers. electron when jumps from n2=5 to n1=1 then according to the formula possible lines=(5-1)(5-1+1)/2=10
So the possibilities are 5 to 4 , 5 to 3 , 5 to 2, 5 to 1,  4 to 3 , 4 to 2 4 to 1, 3 to 2 , 3 to 1,  2 to 1

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