
Crack neet 10 days is possible what are important chapter help me plz give 10 day strategy

Crack neet 10 days is possible what are important chapter help me plz give 10 day strategy

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

3773 Points
7 years ago
In these 10 days just give 1 mock test daily and try to cover these topics:
  1. Mechanics
  2. Plant physiology
  3. Human physiology
  4. Reproduction in humans
  5. General organic chemistry
This is the best you can do in these 10 days
Regards Sahil
Mayajyothi C J
126 Points
7 years ago
In 10 days it’s better to focus on chapters you best know and do some previous year question papers from 2001 onwards. Then you would get an idea to focus on which weak area of yours. M

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