
Sir, I got 89% in CBSE board and 72 in JEE MAINS with SC category, in which NIT can I get CS branch?

Sir, I got 89% in CBSE board and 72 in JEE MAINS with SC category, in which NIT can I get CS branch?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1241 Points
8 years ago
You have got very minimal chances, may get in NIT but wait for till the counselling session but highly impossible to get CS. All the best.
Soneel Verma
823 Points
8 years ago
Well there are not much chances to get into an NIt, still you should keep on checking the latest updates of counsellings.....and along with it you may try checking details of some leading Engg Institutions by visiting their official websites for getting inormation about admission, fee structure, eligibility criteria etc., may consider these – Shivaji Uni, Kolhapur,............Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,............Deenbandhu Chhoturam Uni of Sci and Tech, Murthal

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