
Hey Team I had to ask if there was any minimum cut-off score that one has to get in grade 12 boards so as to get eligible for jee mains 2015? and has any the criterion for droppers changed for year 2015?

Hey Team
I had to ask if there was any minimum cut-off score that one has to get in grade 12 boards so as to get eligible for jee mains 2015? and has any the criterion for droppers changed for year 2015?


1 Answers

bharat bajaj IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 122 Points
9 years ago
There is no such minimum cutoff in 12thBoard marks in JEE Main. But yes, more yours marks, the better will be your rank in JEE Main.
There is a minimum cutoff in JEE Advanced as one has to be in top 20 percentile of his board.
There is no chance in criteria for 2015 till now.
Thanks & Regards
Bharat Bajaj
askiitian faculty
IIT Delhi

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