
a toy rocket has a total mass of 0.1 kg including fuel and fuel’s mass is 0.02 kg which burns in 3 seconds. starting from rest on horizontal smooth track the rocket gets a velocity of 20 after the fuel is burned out. find the thrust on rocket

a toy rocket has a total mass of 0.1 kg including fuel  and  fuel’s mass is 0.02 kg which burns in 3 seconds. starting from rest on horizontal smooth track the rocket gets a velocity of 20 after the fuel is burned out. find the thrust on rocket


1 Answers

Rock Guitarian
25 Points
8 years ago
=mass * gravity
=(mass of the rocket +mass of the fuel)* gravity
1.2 – 0.12*20/3 =1.2 -0.8=0.4
ithink so this is correct once verify

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