
Why the arrangement of grey and white matter is reversed in spinal chord than that of brain?

Why the arrangement of grey and white matter is reversed in spinal chord than that of brain?


1 Answers

Aabid Hussain
askIITians Faculty 576 Points
6 years ago
Hi Neha,

Thank you for asking

In the brain the grey matter is on the cotex.Grey matter is a tissue made of the cytons due to which the cotex is pinkish Grey in colour. The White matter,the tissue made of axons is inside to the brain. Cortex is the processing centre which has cytons. In the spine the processing is to be done internally. So the cytons concentrate inside the spine which we call the Grey matter.Similarly the axons are to be around the Grey matter to transfer messages from and to other organs.They form the White matter outside the spine.

Hope i answered the question

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