
Vestigial organ in human? nictating membrane.....ear muscle or coccyx?

Vestigial organ in human?
nictating membrane.....ear muscle or coccyx?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

15 Points
6 years ago
vestigial oragan 
those organ which found in our body but they have no use of that organ , know as vestigial  organ.
for. e.g 
ear muscle , appendix and wisdom tooth
so according to defination we can say that ear muscle is vestigial organ
aparazita sharma
41 Points
6 years ago
nicitating membrane , ear muscle and coccyx all three are vestigial in humans. However nicitating membrane is still functional in birds as it provides protection and helps to keep eye clean and concealing iris from predators , its use in early humans was similar but now it is considered remnant of third eyelid. similarly ear muscles are still functional in animals which helps in sound localization but humans have now evolved to position their head in order to capture sounds. (however you can still wiggle ear with help of ‘little’ effort !).Coccyx is also vestigial as earlier we had tails but   now since we have evolved we have lost our tail with complete vertebrae instead have fused bones called coccyx.

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